Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Zig and Zeus

Thought I would introduce you to two family favorites. Many years ago I saw Ziggy, an abandoned kitten, catching bugs from under a night light outside of a commercial building. That was how he was surviving. I took him home and then to the vet to get checked out. I should have taken him to the vet first. By the time the vet told us he had ringworms, he had started an infestation of this malady to 3 of 5 dogs and 3 of 8 cats. No good deed goes unpunished. But we all survived it and he has turned out to be a fiercely loyal cat (sounds like an oxymoron, but it is true) that follows us around the 80 acres like a puppy dog. He is the most skilled hunter of all the cats. Margie hates to leave him out while we are at work because he routinely murders some unsuspecting bird. He is fearless and every one of the dogs give him a wide berth when walking by.

The other food processor is Zeus. A very indulged and spoiled dog with a great heart. There is a definite pecking order of our pack and Margie and I are somewhere close to the bottom. Zeus is truly the alpha male around here. I have managed to hang on to my favorite spot on the living room couch.

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