Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Every once in awhile, we have an opportunity to spend time with a senior student that refreshes our visions for the future. Legendary athletic accomplishments, academic excellence and bubbly personality that matches her beauty. This young lady will have a remarkable future.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Caroline, who attends prep school in Conneticut, was home between spring break trips to the Bahamas and Puerto Vallerta.

We were able to take advantage of Elm Valley's beauty after two months of good rain. Also, the weather really cooperated.

You seniors are running out of time. Call and make your appointment now before it is too late.

Monday, February 15, 2010


The smart seniors are getting their pictures done before the mad rush starts in March. This smart senior, Chauncey, had a lot of fun downtown the other day. He has to be pretty tough, because it was cold and he had on short sleeves part of the shoot.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Recent Favs

January was an interesting months with some great kids, great families and pretty brides. No, we still are not doing weddings, but we love doing bridals. Here are some of our recent favs.